Urban ❤️ Basel review
The first edition of the expo Urban ❤️ Basel was a huge succes! The London Police was in town to paint, the expo was visited very good, many artworks received a new home, several painters painted the streets of Basel en the vibe was really good.
Urban ❤ Basel was curated by
Urbane Kunst and
Streetart.com from June 17- 21 (2015) in Basel, Zwitserland.
Partcipating artists Urban ❤ Basel: A.Kira, Babadanman, Broken Fingaz, Bustart, Carl Kenz, Case (Maclaim), Daniel Zeltner, Dome, Emanuel Roth, Galo, Hugo Kaagman, Jaune, Lush, Max Zorn, Mr. Zero, Multi-Syndicate (MSC), Nils Westergard, Otto Schade, Pahnl, Sket185, Skount, Seifrei, Shez, Stew, TelmoMiel, The London Police, Webster, Zaira, Zed1, Zeim, Zeus.
Especially for this occasion The London Police traveled to Basel. In the heart of the city centre they got a beautiful wall to paint. This wall was created under friendly spectators, a nice music and a drink. And in a few days the endresult of The London Police was stunning.
The woman in the middle of the painting is a well known person from Basel. The spectators and passers-by reacted very positively to the work. But also the media spent a great deal of attention to the work. Several newspapers and a local news channel came along to put the work in the picture.
Tages Woche,
Blick am Abend and
BZ Basel
In addition to the mural The London Police made, they also made, especially for our expo, a very nice print (printed by artist Pahnl) in which the city of Amsterdam can be seen in the background. Home to The London Police.
The opening of the exhibition took place on Wednesday evening. At 5 p.m. we opened the doors for the Private Vernissage and at 19:00 we were open to the general public. There were a lot of people at the expo, the vibe was very cozy, there were tasty snacks and the works of art were sold very well. A particularly successful evening for us!
Also the expo gained media attention.
Tages Woche
And the local newsbroad Tele Basel created a news item of the expo and the paintspots. Minute 11:41.
Tele Basel
In addition to the exhibition there were also various paint spots in- and outside town where artists were painting. Bustart, Zeim, Otto Schade, Carl Kenz, Sket185 and Shez worked really hard for three days to create different pieces.
One of these spots was next to the entrance of the Scope art fair. Although Scope is in a big white tent, the environment is colored by conviviality, wooden shacks and architecturally interesting buildings and live-music. Due the casual atmosphere and the art the creative character was strengthened. At this spot Bustart, Zeim, Carl Kenz and Otto Schade painted this truck
Several meters from the truck they also painted this cube together with Shez (above) and Carl Kenz (under).
In another part of town Carl Kenz and Sket185 painted a three floors high container. And Bustart and Otto Schade painted the walls of the outdoor swimming pool with the colorful butterfly and the portrait of the girl.
The paint spots and the exhibition were a golden combination. One could see the artists at work and the paintings in the exhibition, and vica versa, as the works above by Bustart. Responses to Urban ❤ Basel were very positive. Several people responded so motivating and many found the expo even more fun and interesting than Art Basel! A very great compliment for us.
And to humor lacked nothing, because even a donkey visited the expo!
We had a great time. Visitors and Basel, thanks!
Griesli the Urban ❤ Basel team!
Some works from the expo in the spotlight;



Daniel Zeltner, Zaira, Hugo Kaagman

Sket185, Zeus en Zeim

Max Zorn

Jaune and a book of Faile